
The Book of 2nd Samuel is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Second Samuel, one of the most precious of the Bible’s books, covers a span of only forty years, but these years are important ones, being the central years of the one hundred and twenty years, each of them reigning for forty-year reigns, the reign of David, “the sweet Psalmist of Israel.” Harold H. Ross, Associate Pastor, Faith Bible Church, Memphis, TN

THE SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL AN INTRODUCTION TO THE TWO BOOKS OF SAMUEL The two Books of Samuel, like the two Books of Kings, were originally one book. In the Third Century B.C. the translators of the Septuagint divided the Book of Samuel and the Book of Kings and named the resultant four book “The Books of the Kingdom” because they were regarded as being a complete history of “the Old Testament Historical Kingdom” from its beginning to its end. Jerome, in his Latin Vulgate translation, followed this
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